Dyer's Coreopsis Seeds - Indie Indie Bang! Bang!

Dyer's Coreopsis Seeds

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Start indoors 6 weeks before last frost, and transplant after frost, or direct sow outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Sow shallowly; light aids in germination. Thin direct sown plants to 12" spacing when the seedlings set true leaves. Harvest the abundant blooms and deadhead frequently to maximize blooming period. Use the cadmium-red fresh or dried blossoms for dyeing, or enjoy their wispy beauty as an ornamental or cut flower.

The Package
Each year, Hudson Valley Seeds commissions contemporary artists from around the United States to tell the story of a particular seed variety. That art and those seeds combine to create an Art Pack, a unique celebration of the diverse stories of seeds and their stewards. 

The Artist

Kara Patrowicz loves the alchemy-like process of combining different palettes and fiber media. She used Dyer's Coreopsis for several colors in this piece, resulting in a watery effect, with embroidered details bringing clarity to the composition.