Wild Arugula Seeds - Indie Indie Bang! Bang!

Wild Arugula Seeds

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Wild Arugula Seeds 

Mix of Russian and Siberian kales in shades of green and red.

Smaller, punchier, and hardier than standard arugula.

What makes one plant tame and another wild? People have co-evolved with plants over thousands years. We have changed plants and they have changed us. Many of our sweetest foods are the most cultivated. But some plants have held onto the spicy, spiky, and wild ways they use to ward off hungry creatures that might browse” and destroy” them. Wild Arugula is right on that cusp, tame enough to be delectable, and wild enough to keep our taste buds on their toes.

If you already like arugula, you'll like wild arugula even more. If you already dislike arugula, well, steer clear. Wild arugula has an amplified arugula flavor, while its smaller leaves and pretty color make for a refined impression. Grab a small handful and toss chopped into a salad for a terrific arugula bite, or steam older leaves for use as a side green.

The Package
Each year, Hudson Valley Seeds commissions contemporary artists from around the United States to tell the story of a particular seed variety. That art and those seeds combine to create an Art Pack, a unique celebration of the diverse stories of seeds and their stewards. 

The Artist
Artwork by Natasha Zahn Pristas. Natasha brings out the bright and bold flavor of wild arugula in her garden-centered cut paper collage. Surrounded by sweeter and tamer varieties, this variety is a perfect pairing in any fresh-picked meal.