Species various
A great mix for garden borders and beneficial bugs.
Sow this beneficial mix of annuals in the spring. There's always more to do in the garden than we can do alone, so why not invite some little friends to help out? The green lacewing on this pack will love these flowers and reward your generosity by laying eggs in your garden. The eggs will hatch into "aphid lions," their larval stage, which will voraciously devour insect pests. Get to know and love the good bugs in your garden by providing nectar and habitat for them to thrive.
500 seeds sow a 3'x10' garden plot.
The Package
Each year, Hudson Valley Seeds commissions contemporary artists from around the United States to tell the story of a particular seed variety. That art and those seeds combine to create an Art Pack, a unique celebration of the diverse stories of seeds and their stewards.
The Artist
Artwork by Christy Rupp. This densely patterned collage uses a vintage William Morris wallpaper print, entomological illustrations of green lacewings, and a diagram of a flower to celebrate historical flowers and beneficial insects.